

Molly Ellis, ND

My clinical practice is rooted in integrative healthcare for reproductive and sexual health.

With years of clinical experience in Western medicine before obtaining my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, I firmly believe that integrative medicine provides the most support and healing for each individual.

I’m a licensed Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Portland, Oregon. After graduating, I completed a 1-year women’s health mentorship in Integrative Pelvic Therapy. I’ve completed advanced training for infertility, PCOS, pelvic pain disorders, peri/menopause, and bioidentical hormone therapy management.

Education & Credentials

❍ Oregon Medical Board Licensed Naturopathic Doctor

❍ Naturopathic Doctorate from NUNM

❍ ISSWSH Genitopelvic Pain Course 2022-2023

❍ Herman & Wallace Pelvic Floor Level 1 training

❍ Integrative Pelvic Therapy training

❍ Integrative Medicine for Menopause training

❍ Advanced Practice Menopause Hormone Therapy Intensive

❍ PCOS Intensive

❍ Craniosacral Level I Moving Mountain Institute

❍ Bachelor’s in Radiation Therapy from the University of Wisconsin La Crosse


I weave together patient-centered care, hands on healing, and empathetic listening to support you holistically.

I approach my practice from a trauma-informed, weight neutral, and social justice-informed care model to provide shame free health care for bodies of every size.


My special interests and medical expertise include PCOS, painful or irregular menses, pelvic pain and vulvar disease, fibroids, endometriosis, fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum care, pelvic floor dysfunction, peri/menopause, hormone therapy, and sexual health.



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