consulting + freelancing

Naturopathic Women's Health Expert | Integrating Wellness with Femtech + Healthtech Innovation

With over a decade of experience in both conventional and integrative medicine, my career is committed to advancing healthcare for women. My expertise spans PCOS, endometriosis, PMDD/PMS, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, peri/menopause, and vulvovaginal disorders.

Why Collaborate With Me?

HOLISTIC APPROACH: My extensive experience in both conventional and integrative medicine equips me to bridge the gap between the two worlds. I understand the nuances of medical research, while also valuing the significance of holistic wellness.

TAILORED SOLUTIONS: Your venture's success depends on solutions that truly resonate with women. My deep understanding of individualized care ensures that your products and services meet the diverse needs of women at every life stage.

EVIDENCE-BASED INNOVATION: I don't just follow trends; I contribute to shaping them. I stay abreast of the latest research and advancements in the field, enabling your brand to stay ahead of the curve with cutting-edge offerings.

CLINICAL INSIGHTS: My hands-on clinical experience gives me unique insights into real-world women's health challenges. I bring practical perspectives that enrich your brand's offerings, making them more relevant and effective.

How Can I Support Your Venture?

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Collaborate with me to design and refine products that resonate with women's health needs. Whether it's creating wellness apps, wearable devices, or digital platforms, my expertise ensures the integration of holistic health principles.

CONTENT CREATION: I can contribute evidence-based content that educates and engages your audience. This includes blog posts, webinars, and educational resources that establish your brand as a thought leader.

CONSULTING + ADVISORY: Tap into my wealth of knowledge for strategic guidance, product roadmaps, and market insights. Together, we can ensure your offerings are aligned with the evolving landscape of women's health.

RESEARCH COLLABORATION: Let's explore new horizons by collaborating on research initiatives that drive innovation in women's health. By leveraging my clinical experience, we can uncover novel solutions that make a real difference.

Let's Shape the Future of Women's Health, Together!

The women's health landscape is evolving rapidly, and your brand has the potential to lead this revolution. By partnering with me, you're gaining access to a women's health specialist who marries traditional medical expertise with forward-thinking integrative approaches. Together, we can empower women worldwide to achieve holistic wellness and thrive in every aspect of their lives.

Are you ready to transform women's health? Let's connect and explore how my expertise can amplify the impact of your femtech/healthtech venture.